Journal Lovers News

"Uncovering the Benefits of Gratitude Journaling and Staying Positive"

Ashley Webster 0 Comments

We all know the power of gratitude, and journaling is a great way to cultivate a positive attitude. The numerous benefits of journaling can help you become more thankful for the good things in life. Not only does journaling help you to express your gratitude, but it can also help you to stay organized,...
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How Your Mental Health Can Improve When You Use a Brain Dump Journal

Jacki Andre 0 Comments

You know those days when you struggle with racing thoughts, trying to take everything in, focus, and prioritize? There's a relatively easy way to manage that: a brain dump. All you need is a pen, paper, or dedicated brain dump journal. Then, whenever you need to, take 10-15 minutes to write down every abstract thought in...
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12 Terrific Reasons to Start Writing in Your Journal Again

Jacki Andre 2 Comments

Recently, the team at SohoSpark had an impromptu poll that asked: Why do YOU journal? Not ONE person referenced bullet journals or planners. No one said that they journal because it helps them stay organized. Instead, the answers focussed on mental wellbeing, fostering creativity, improving writing skills, achieving goals, and manifesting dreams. And, hey,...
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Curious about the current self-care trend? How to use your journal to mindfully recharge

Jacki Andre 0 Comments

What routines do you currently have for self-care? The phrase has become a trendy buzzword that's often used to encourage consumerism. Things like manicures and scented candles might bring us moments of joy, but they're not actually self-care. True self-care strengthens your mental and physical resiliency over the long term. Getting more sleep and turning off...
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8 Tips to Help You Create the Best Idea Journal

Jacki Andre 0 Comments

What do you do with your ideas? I often get my best ones when I'm walking my dogs. With my phone stowed away and the sun on my face, my brain whirls. The problem is, by the time I get home and unhook the harnesses, those ideas are often gone forever. The solution: an...
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