
We don't use influencers. Wait, what?

We Don't Use Influencers

Wait, what?

Actually, we don't use anyone -- partners, staff, or customers.

We always seek a mutually satisfying exchange of value. 

We love to work with influencers who are deeply engaged with our audience. Who is that audience? They are people who:

  • believe in the power of personal writing
  • love to write in physical journals
  • give personal gifts to their journaling friends 

What We Offer

We will send you a free product to review plus one or two extras to give away to your audience, if that is something you'd like to do.

We prefer to work with reviewers who are as passionate about helping journal writers as we are. 

What We Want

An ideal outcome for our collaboration looks like this: 

  • a written endorsement that mentions the SohoSpark brand
  • use of the #sohospark tag in one or more social posts
  • posting of a high quality image that shows our product
  • at least one link to our website
  • additional affiliate links are welcome

Next Steps

CLICK HERE to contact us about working together.